Thursday, February 7, 2013

Raw milk significant food poisoning source

The United States Centers for Disease Control says consumption of raw (unpasteurized) milk and dairy products has become the second leading cause of bacterial and viral infections.

It says the incidence of milk-related food poisonings has increased in step with the growing popularity of raw milk.

A report published in a scientific journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases, says that in the decade from 1998 to 2008, 14 per cent of foodborne illnesses and 10 per cent of deaths in the U.S. were linked to consumption of raw milk and raw milk products., including home-made cheeses.

Raw milk has been a hot-button issue in Ontario where Michael Schmidt has been in the centre of controversy as he defies public health and milk marketing board authorities who try to shut him down.

On the one hand, we're investing small fortunes in new food-sarety initiatives, including on-farm food safety programs, and on the other hand we allow raw milk zealots to defy food safety science.