Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chicken board declines hearing

Glenn Black and his fast-growing group of small-flock chicken producers have been told that the Chicken Farmers of Ontario marketing board won’t listen to proposals for policy changes.

That, says Black on his now-popular blog, clears the way to ask either the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission or the OMAF appeal tribunal to change the policies.

They and the Practical Farmers organization want the minimum flock that can be raised without quota increased from 300 to 2,000 birds.

Black is also asking the provincial government to allow small-flock owners to process their birds on the farm so they don’t have to either set up, or have their birds custom-slaughtered at, a licensed packing plant.

Black is conceding that would still be required for flocks of more than 300 birds.

Black has calculations posted on his website indicating that an increase from 300 to 2,000 birds for thousands of small-flock owners would fill only a tiny percentage of Ontario’s chicken market.

He has also shown how the number of followers of his blog has exploded after being available for less than two months.

He is encouraging small-flock owners to learn what’s involved, to join a petition and to help him prepare to go to either the commission or tribunal.

Black’s blog is on the internet at