Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Milk price to increase 2.5 per cent

The Canadian Dairy Commission sis hikng milk prices by 2.5 per cent on Sept. 1.

It’s a rare mid-year increase requested by milk producers to offset rising costs, especially for feed.

They got an 8.7 per cent increase on Feb. 1.

The commission recommended that provincial milk marketing boards increase the price of milk by $1.92 per hectolitre. That’s for milk used to produce dairy products such as butter and cheese. 

The Ontario board answers only to the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission for increases to fluid milk prices which goes into retail milks. 

It has been asked, but refused to answer, inquiries about an increase to fluid milk prices earlier this year. I have been waiting for months for a reply to a Freedom-of-Information request for correspondence between the commission and the milk board on pricing.

The CDC on Tuesday separately announced an increase to its support price for butter, also effective Sept. 1, boosting that rate from to $10.0206/kg, up from $9.7923.