Thursday, October 7, 2021

Balderson cheeses join Blue Cow club

Canadians will now know that only Canadian-produced milk is in Balderson-brand cheeses made and marketed by Lactalis Canada.

Lactalis and Dairy Farmers of Canada announced that the Blue Cow symbol which indicates a product is made with only with Canadian-produced milk can now be applied to about 40 Balderson cheeses.

Lactalis Canada first began adopting the Blue Cow logo in 2018 and has since committed to rolling it out on hundreds of milk, cream, cheese and cultured products under the Lactantia, Beatrice, Black Diamond, Cracker Barrel, P’tit Quebec, Astro and Stonyfield yogourt brands. 

The move by Lactalis is significant because it was enticing for Canadian cheese makers to use ingredients from the United States - until Canadian marketing boards changed milk pricing to displace the imports.