They used to return to Canada to clean, wash and disinfect
their rigs to keep Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus from infecting Canadian
Now the CFIA wants the trucks to be washed in the United
States and that’s where PED virus has been found in the wash water.
Instead of eliminating the virus, the U.S. truck washes are
virus reservoirs that infect Canadian rigs, the Manitoba pork marketing board
leaders warn.
Ontario pointed to similar concerns last winter and since
then more Ontario truck-washing capacity has been added.
PED is devastating for newborn piglets and Manitoba has a
particular concern because there is a heavy flow of weaner pigs to U.S. farms.
Those trucks come back to Manitoba farms populated with
young pigs.
Ontario truckers are more likely to be hauling market-weight
hogs to the U.S. and they can usually survive the virus.