Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Research fund open for applications

The federal and provincial agriculture departments have put up $1.85 million for research projects.

Ontario Agri-Food Research Initiative is now accepting proposals for research in food safety, trade, market and growth opportunities, 
automation, and bio-based production systems, with a maximum of $150,000 funding allocation per project.

To be eligible, applicants must have demonstrated capacity to perform quality research and be: 

• _A university or college;
• _A research organization, institute or foundation;
• _An industry or business;
• _A non-government organization, or
• _A_government or government agency. 
Federal and provincial government researchers are eligible to collaborate on projects.

There are a number of things wrong with this initiative.

A single proposal could use the entire $1.85 million. It is woefully short of what is required to genuinely support the research listed.

Why are governments and government agencies eligible? Could they not be funded directly through their management structures instead of via applications.

The whole application process requires researchers to spend time and effort filling out forms instead of conducting research.

Maybe they should spend some money on studying research management.