Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Cows infected with HPAI


United States Department of Agriculture has confirmed that cattle in Texas, Kansas and New Mexico have been infected by highly-pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

That came days after a goat was infected.

The virus has claimed millions of commercial flocks of laying hens, chickens and turkeys in Canada and the United States, but until recently was believed to infect only birds.

The virus infecting the cows was called a mystery disease until recent testing found HPAI.

The sick cows suffered decreased lactation, low appetite and other symptoms, the USDA said. It and the U.S.Food & Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, along with state veterinary and public health officials, continue to investigate the illness.

The Meat Institute quickly issued a statement assuring that "properly prepared beef is safe to eat and is not a food safety risk to humans."