Monday, March 25, 2024

Ontario butchers to compete in Paris

 A team of five butchers has been picked to represent Canada at a global competition in Paris, France.

Meat & Poultry Magazine features the team in its current magazine issue as well as two youths who will also go to the World Butcher Challenge.

The team members are Peter Baarda from J & G Quality Meats, Brent Herrington from Herrington's Quality Butchers, Damion Goriup from Florence Meats, Dave Vander Velde from VG Meats and Doug Easterbrook from Townsend Butchers.

The junior butchers joining the team are Chris McNutt from Halenda's and Dylan Miedema from Townsend Butchers.

Meat and Pouttry Ontrio said “competing at this level requires significant resources and we need your support to help fund our team's journey to Paris. 

“We have set up a GoFundMe page to collect donations, and any donation, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference.”