Thursday, May 2, 2024

Florida bans cultivated meat


Florida is banning production and sale of cultivated meats.

Governor Ron DeSantis said “what we’re protecting here is the industry against acts of man, against an ideological agenda that wants to finger agriculture as the problem, that views things like raising cattle as destroying our climate.”

Florida is the only place in North America with a ban like this.

The new law takes effect July 1. Though it strictly bans and penalizes the manufacture, transport, commercialization and sale of cultivated meat, it does allow pure scientific research into cultivated meat.

Florida Agriculture Commissioner Wilton Simpson, Florida Senator Jay Collins and Dale Carlton, the president-elect of the Florida Cattleman Association, also spoke during the press conference, celebrating the new law.

The bill initially passed the Senate on Feb. 29 in a 29-10 vote, then passed the House on March 6 in an 86-27 vote. The bill was transmitted to the Governor on April 30, giving him 15 days to sign or veto the bill. DeSantis signed it within 24 hours of receipt.