Friday, May 2, 2014

Showing pigs in Utah a death sentence

Any pigs entered in shows in Utah must go to slaughter under a new ruling from state officials.

They have declared the death sentence on show pigs to prevent the spread of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus.

Utah has not had any cases of the virus, but 30 other states have had outbreaks totaling 6,226 barns as of April 26.

Utah is home to one of the largest hog-farming operations in North America. 

Circle Four Farms, which is part of Smithfield Foods and now owned by a Chinese company, raises about 1.2 million market hogs per year.

The state veterinarian is also clamping down on hog movements into the state. They will require a veterinary inspection and paperwork to indicate the hogs have not come into contact with PED virus in the previous 30 days.