Thursday, November 13, 2014

New case of PED in Middlesex County

The Ontario Pork Industry Council reports a new PED (Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus) case has been diagnosed in Ontario.

It’s the first Ontario case since July 21, but the 64th this year.

Clinical signs were seen at a farrow to finish farm in Middlesex Monday November 10th.

Samples were taken Monday evening and laboratory confirmation was received Wednesday.

The most significant risk factor for this farm was pig transport, prompting the council to urge farmers to “review your biosecurity protocols on farm.

“Use of unwashed trucks is a significant risk for PEDV transmission,” says the posting on the websites for both the council and the Ontario Pork producers marketing board.

The producer and his veterinarian have developed a control and elimination plan for the farm and have notified key service providers.

 “Our thanks to the producer for his rapid response and transparency as we work together as an industry to control and eliminate PED cases in Ontario this fall and winter.”

The virus cannot survive warm temperatures, explaining why the rate of outbreaks in the U.S. and Canada declined sharply from the winter and early spring months.

It can, however, survive in cold temperatures.