Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Currie retiring from OFA

Neil Currie is retiring from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture after 19 years as general manager, the longest in OFA’s 83-year history.

Currie joined the OFA after serving as chief executive officer for the embattled Canadian Egg Marketing Agency.

“We’re grateful for Neil’s long-term leadership of OFA,” said OFA president Keith Currie.

“He has seen the organization through significant changes and challenges – numerous governments, complete board restructuring, farm financial highs and lows, and changes of office locations. Neil leaves OFA with a strong team to meet all future challenges.”

A hiring committee has been established to assist OFA in the search process for a new general manager. The organization hopes to begin interviewing potential candidates in late spring. Job posting details will be announced in the near future.

“From every one of our staff, board and the 38,000 members we serve – we thank Neil for his outstanding leadership, service and dedication to Ontario agriculture,” said Keith Currie.