Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pelissero circulates secret proposal

Harry Pelissero, general manager of the Egg Farmers of Ontario marketing board, is circulating a secret proposal to change the board’s quota-lending policy.

It would favour the largest 100 quota holders with additional quota.

The other 223 quota holders would be able to fill their barns to capacity.

Under Pelissero’s proposal, quota holders would be able to lease 735 birds each at $7.30 per bird per year.

However, he calculates that 223 of the board’s 323 quota holders don’t have enough space for all 735 additional birds.

Whatever total is not taken up by these 223 will then be made available to those who do have space until all of the quota is distributed.

Pelissero says he thinks this proposal will meet approval from both the Ontario government’s Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission and from the national agency because it aims to fill Ontario’s production rights and obligations.

Pelissero’s information for qutoa holders comes with this warning:

 “This transmission is intended for the sole use of the person to whom it is specifically addressed above and must not be read by, or delivered to anyone else. It may contain privileged or confidential information, the disclosure or other use of which may result in the breach of certain laws or the infringement of the rights of third parties. If you have received this transmission in error or have not received it in its entirety, please call this office at (905) 858-9790 immediately.”

It’s not clear why a policy proposal that’s shared with all quota holders needs to be kept secret.

Pelissero and the egg marketing board are currently under an investigation into governance issues.