Hog farmers are being urged to be vigilant and proactive if
they see symptoms such as sores around snouts, lots of mucous and sores around
hooves and shins.
They could be one of two things – Seneca Virus A, which has
been showing up in the United States and Canada, or Foot and Mouth Disease.
“Presence of Senecavirus on a farm is not a deal
breaker, but it’s imperative that producers, their veterinarian and animal
health officials rule out the presence of FMD,
say swine health officials
say swine health officials
An outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease in the Midwest
could cost the United States livestock industry $188 billion and the government
$11 billion, says a report by Dustin Pendell of Kansas State University.
An outbreak in the United Kingdom cost almost $12
billion, but more important, it devastated farming families that lost their
herds and livelihoods.