Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Gray Ridge owners donate $2.2 million


Bill and Lynne Gray and their L.H. Gray and Son Ltd. egg business, are donating $2.2 million to Strathroy Hospital.

Their business operates as Gray Ridge Egg Farms.

They are Canada’s second-largest egg grading, egg processing and egg production business. Burnbrae is the largest.

The hospital is trying to raise $5 million for a magnetic resonance image (MRI) scanner.

"With the introduction of MRI services, we anticipate reduced wait times and improved access to high-quality healthcare for residents of Strathroy and surrounding areas," said Middlesex Hospital Alliance board chair Melanie Stanley. 

We are "overwhelmed with the generosity of the Grays and L.H. Gray & Son Limited transformational gift."

The entire imaging department will be renamed "The Bill & Lynne Gray, L.H. Gray & Son Limited Diagnostic Imaging Department."