Monday, March 17, 2025

PETA targets pork


The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) organization has zeroed in on large pork-industry companies in the mid-western United States, calling on the public to stop eating bacon and other pork products.

Pipestone Management is the country’s second-largest pig farming operation, is located in Minnesota and PETA has erected a billboard in Minneapolis likening pork production to the tobacco industry.

It advises farmers to get out of pork production before the industry collapses, as happened to tobacco, and points to the financial troubles of HyLife Foods which closed its plant at Windom.

PETA said “the vile pig meat industry overall is beset with increasing costs, and nosediving sales—all while interest in vegan eating is booming, and soy sausages are selling fast.

“Consumers are waking up to smell the bacon but then realizing that the smell comes from filthy factory farms,” said PETA President Ingrid Newkirk. 

“Pig farmers are losing ground and wasting time trying to bail out a sinking ship while PETA is busy handing out vegan starter kits to anyone who opposes cruelty to animals, or basically to everyone who eats.”