(left to right): Craig McLaughlin, BFO President; Kurt Van Osch; Carson Burtwistle, RBC; Brendon Van Osch
Van Osch Farms has been chosen winner of this year’s Environmental Stewardship Award sponsored by the RBC Royal Bank and given by Beef Farmers of Ontario.
Van Osch Farms is run by Fred, Gerald, Brendon and Kurt Osch in Middlesex County.
They have a feedlot that can hold 11,500 cattle in barns with natural light and ventilation and integrated technologies such as recirculating water bowls to eliminate hydro use.
They also use solar powered cameras to monitor feed bunks and minimize feed waste. Forty per cent of the feed ration is by-product ingredients.
“Our farm is founded on the core principle that the land is our most precious resource, and that fits well with our certification with the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef through the Ontario Corn Fed Beef Quality Assurance Program,” said Brendon Van Osch.
“We take the sustainability of our farm very seriously and utilize farming practices that ensure the soil and the natural environment are protected for our future generation.”
Van Osch Farms has projects and land use practices with Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority including planting more than 1,000 trees on their farms. This includes establishing multi-species perimeter shelterbelts at two of their large barns and planting a naturalized buffer around a pond and wetland. Shelter areas have also created homes for many species of wildlife such as deer, coyotes, rabbits. and birds.
“Van Osch Farms has adopted cover cropping as standard practice, planting hundreds of acres in cover crops each year,” said Ian Jean, Forestry and Stewardship Specialist for the Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority.
Brandon Van Osch said “we know that the most productive land is the land that has something alive on it. This is why we utilize
cover crops between our regular cropping seasons to feed our second most important livestock - the critters that call our soil home.”
The Van Osch family has plans to open an on-farm retail store this summer and currently offers beefthrough online sales.