Dairy Farmers of Canada is threatening Harper with election defeat if he caves in to demands to open the Canadian market to more imports during the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations.
The way DFC calculates it, there are a lot of close ridings in which there is an average of 45 dairy farmers each.
Get real!
Forty-five votes is what three Tory-party volunteer drivers can deliver to polls on election day.
And what are the choices? Liberal? I doubt they will turn down any deal that emerges from the TPP negotiations, even if it's deemed disastrous by dairy farmers.
And how many dairy farmers will vote NDP, even in a rage of protest? Not all 45 per riding!
Having made a hollow threat, Dairy Farmers of Canada can expect retaliation from Harper. He's been well known to be somewhat hard-nosed and lacking in compassion.
Friday, July 31, 2015
New Zealand sets stage for Canadian dairy concessions
New Zealand has set the stage for Canada to make significant
concessions on access to the dairy market during the Trans-Pacific Partnership
trade negotiations.
The New Zealand spokesman at the talks told reporters that
what Canada has offered so far is so miniscule it threatens to derail the
That sets the stage for Canada to make significant offers
and to tell the dairy farmers it had no choice.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has made it clear he wants a
The talks continue today and, if necessary, might stretch
into Saturday.
Japan is also trying to hold on to protection for its dairy
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Maple Leaf sales down as losses continue
Maple Leaf Foods Inc. reports sales of $820.8 million for
the second quarter; after accounting for currency exchange; that was a decline
of 2.6 per cent from the same time last year.
Volume was up, but prices were down.
Losses totaled $7.5 million, a big improvement from last
year when losses were $39.5 million. The company booked $7.3 million worth of
restructuring costs.
It has now closed all of its old plants and has moved most
meat processing operations to its new plant at Hamilton.
President and chief executive officer Michael McCain said he’s
pleased with the second-quarter results.
Buy investors must be getting frustrated after years of steady losses.
NAFTA wrinkle in TPP trade talks
Canada’s benefits from the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) could be undermined if Canada fails to participate in a new
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal.
That new wrinkle emerged from reporting at the trade
negotiations now underway in Hawaii.
Reporters were briefed that the TPP is likely to contain
terms that will be even better than NAFTA for gaining entry to the United
States market.
And if Canada isn’t part of the deal, it will lose out to
others, including Mexico.
The reporters also said Canadians and Americans met
privately during the TPP negotiations with a view to maintaining better terms
for trade between the two countries – i.e. better than a TPP deal.
The automotive industry is offered as an example. Canada and
Mexico are able to freely trade parts with the United States, but all three
maintain tariffs, albeit relatively low ones, against other countries.
The TPP could wipe out that advantage so there would be more
intense competition in the car-parts market.
The Globe and Mail also indicated that in the dairy
negotiations, Canada is being pressured to keep open its low-tariff and
no-tariff category for certain ingredients extracted from milk.
There has been a widespread assumption that the United
States and New Zealand in particular were pushing for a reduction in tariffs on
cheese, butter and other processed dairy products.
Imports into the less-protected ingredients market have been
mounting rapidly in recent years and months, reducing demand for Canadian milk
unless the supply-management marketing boards cut prices to remain competitive with
the imports.
There has been no detailed reporting about pressure on
Canada to reduce barriers to imports of poultry products, also under supply
management and protected by high tariffs.
There has been similar pressure in the poultry market,
especially a huge increase in imports of “spent fowl”, meaning egg-laying birds
at the end of their careers. There is no tariff on them.
Canada makes inadequate dairy concessions at trade talks
Canada made dairy-industry trade concessions at the
Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations in Hawaii this week, but the 12 nations
involved in the talks say it isn’t enough.
Anonymous sources quoted by reporters indicate that both New
Zealand and the United States said Canada needs to offer more.
New Zealand has also called on the United States to open
more of its dairy market to imports.
Apparently the dairy industry is the main remaining
stumbling block in the negotiations.
There is no mention in the media reports of Canada’s
supply-,management protection for its turkey, egg, chicken and hatching egg
The negotiations continue today and Friday. Prime Minister
Stephen Harper said Trade Minister Ed Fast has been granted enough flexibility
on the dairy-industry issue to strike a deal.
Seed theft charges against Chinese dropped
The federal government prosecutor said there’s little chance of gaining a conviction, so a judge has dismissed theft charges against a Chinese woman accused of stealing seed and secrets from Monsanto and Pioneer.
The prosecutor said the patents stolen with seed are worth
$500 million.
But the prosecutor said his case has been built largely on
electronic messages that the court has ruled are not admissible as evidence.
The order signed Tuesday instructs the government to
return Mo Yun’s passport and immediately stop “all court-directed electronic
monitoring,” meaning she can return to China.
Her husband is a billionaire.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Vilsack prefers poultry insurance
Vilsack said it would be cheaper to set up a national insurance program for
poultry farmers than paying for the flocks that have been ordered destroyed to
prevent the spread of avian influenza.
who is the United States Secretary of Agriculture, said the government has
already spent $191 million to compensate turkey and chicken farmers whose
flocks have been ordered destroyed.
that’s only part of the estimated $700 million the government has spent so far
on the outbreaks.
took out provisions for a national poultry insurance program when it was
crafting the new five-year farm bill, but Vilsack is asking them to reconsider
government has spent $400 million on cleaning up dead birds and disinfecting
and is paying to research and stockpile a bird flu vaccine in case the virus
returns. Vilsack said that makes it the most costly disease outbreak in U.S.
farming history.
bird flu killed 48 million birds, mostly turkeys and egg-laying chickens in 15
states as it swept through the Midwest. Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri lost the
most birds.
spoke Tuesday at a bird flu conference in Des Moines, Iowa, where the poultry
industry and agriculture officials are talking about how to make farms more
secure and how to better respond if the virus is again dropped on farms from
waterfowl migrating south this fall.
conference was closed to the public and the media except for opening speeches
by Vilsack and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad. Organizers said they wanted to ensure
an open discussion of what went wrong and how to improve responses.
do think we’d be better off as a nation if we had for poultry producers a
disaster program similar to what we have for livestock producers,” Vilsack
would be less costly to the government than dealing with outbreaks as
individual disasters, he said.
In Canada, two sets of outbreaks have been stopped. One set
was in British Columbia around the Christmas season and the other involved
three Oxford County farms in Ontario this spring.
Marketing boards were instrumental in using their
communications systems to stop the virus from spreading farm to farm. The three farms were all finally cleared from quarantine this week.
It’s thought to come from migrating ducks and geese. That
has the North American poultry industry on edge for when migration south begins
this fall.
Union says CFIA short of inspectors
The head of the Public Service
Alliance of Canada’s union for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) says
it is putting public health at
risk with severe shortages of inspectors at Ontario
slaughter plants.
In a press conference Tuesday in
Toronto, the union said every federal meat slaughter inspection team in Ontario
is understaffed thanks to CFIA’s refusal to fill vacant positions.
I've seen this before, usually during negotiations for a new union contract.
But I've also seen this canned CFIA response many times before. Sprouts online news service reports "The Canadian Food
Inspection Agency said in an e-mail response Tuesday that food safety
remains a “top priority” for the agency, insisting “a comprehensive system
of inspection tasks are carried out at all federally-inspected meat plants."
Land buys trouble activist
Nierenberg of the online Food Tank is troubled by the amount of farmland
foreigners are buying, mainly to set up modern large-scale farms devoted to
She writes
today that “ when governments and private firms invest in or purchase large
tracts of land in other countries . . .
it can have serious environmental and social consequences.
“Investors claim that land grabs can help
alleviate the world food crisis by tapping into a country’s ‘unused’
agricultural potential, but such investments often do more harm than good,
disrupting traditional land use and leaving half a billion family farmers
vulnerable to exploitation.”
According to the Land Matrix, approximately 130 million hectares of
land has been bought or is involved in impending land
deals over the last 15 years.
She writes that “in South Sudan, the
country with the most transnational land acquisitions, land has been sold for
as little as US$0.025 cents per hectare.”
The country is, however, been engaged in
a civil war that comes and goes.
Approximately 60 percent of the food grown on acquired lands
is intended for export instead of feeding local communities, according to Oxfam
two-thirds of land grabs occur in countries with serious food security
problems, she writes.
For example, in
the Nacala Corridor of Mozambique, the Prosavana land grab will acquire 14 million
hectares of land, displacing upwards of 500,000 people who already cultivate
the area.
According to The World Food Programme,
about one-third of Mozambique’s 24.5 million
inhabitants are malnourished and 500,000 children ages six to 23 months are
On her blog, Nierenberg lists
organizations that are lobbying on this issue.
Chicken board announces small-flock plan
The Chicken Farmers of Ontario
marketing board is following up on its earlier plans and is inviting
applications from small-flock producers for “The Artisanal Chicken Program”.
It Is open to those willing to
produce 600 to 3,000 birds per year.
It is also strictly limited because
the national agency only allows Ontario to increase production by a percentage
of growth in national demand.
Earlier the board allocated quota to
producers to supply the market for dual-purpose and red-feathered birds. They
need to buy their poults from Frey’s Hatchery in St. Jacobs and commit to marketing
their birds to board-approved processors.
Although not many details have been
revealed, this new plan appears to be open to any breed of bird and any
The board says its program “provides
opportunities for small, independent, locally based farmers to meet local
demands for safe high quality chicken.
“The Artisanal Chicken Program will
help farmers fill local food and seasonal markets and will give Ontario
consumers more choice and options in how and where they buy locally grown
“CFO will strive to foster close
productive relationships between Artisanal Chicken Farmers and their business
partners based on strong artisanal values in the production and marketing of
artisanal chicken.”
Production will begin next year and
successful applicants must be in “compliance with the On-Farm Food safety
Assurance Program and (OFFSAP) and the Animal Care Program (and) will be
required to maintain biosecurity and industry standards which support the long
term sustainability of the chicken industry in Ontario.
“The closing date for submissions for
2016 Applications is September 4, 2015.”
The permission to grow birds under
this program will be for one year at a time.
Small-flock owners, led by Glenn
Black of Providence Bay, Manitoulin Island, have been lobbying long and hard to
gain permission for small-flock farmers to market up to 2,500 birds per year
without quota.
I could hear Black cheering all the way from Providence Bay to Kitchener!
Under board regulations, it would
cost more than $1 million for quota alone to become a member of the marketing
The board says it will launch two
other new programs - a Local Niche Markets program, and a Business Development
program – but has provided no details.
Black has long argued that there is a keen market among consumers who want special types of chicken from local farmers. He has argued that allowing small-flock owners to fill this demand without having to own quota would not hurt quota holders and would do much to enhance the reputation of supply management.
Organic Meadow has proposal for creditors
Organic Meadow says it will be ready by the July 31 deadline
to file a plan with the court to emerge from bankruptcy protection from its
The farmer-owned business owes the Ontario milk marketing board
and many others millions of dollars it was unable to repay.
The marketing board put the business on a cash-on-delivery
basis which precipitated the move to seek protection from creditors under the
Co-operative Creditors Arrangement Act.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Dance of seed giants continues
The dance of the giant companies that dominate the global
seeds industry continues.
First it was Monsanto making an unwelcome bid to take over
As part of that offer, Monsanto said it would be willing to
spin off Syngenta’s seed business.
Now the chief executive of Dow says it might be interested
in picking up Syngenta’s seed business if Monsanto succeeds in taking over
Too bad their clients don't get a say.
Argentinia wins beef access to U.S.
Argentina has won a trade dispute with the United States,
re-opening its access to the beef market that was closed in 2001 when there was
an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Argentina.
The ruling could take some of the steam out of record-high beef prices in Canada and the U.S.
The World Trade Organization has ruled that Argentina was
right to insist that it could continue to export beef to the U.S. from areas of
the country that were not affected by the outbreak.
On Aug. 30. 2012, Argentina complained to the World Trade
Organization about:
the import prohibition of fresh (chilled or frozen) beef from Argentina
embodied in the interim and final rule of the Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture,
which amend the regulations of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR);
the failure to recognize certain areas of Argentina’s territory as free of
foot-and-mouth disease embodied in the APHIS Policy Regarding Importation of
Animals and Animal Products; and
Amos Martin fined for downer cow
Amos Martin of Mount Forest has been fined a total of $1,880
after pleading guilty in provincial court to trying to market a downer cull cow
at the Ontario Livestock Exchange north of Waterloo.
A veterinary inspector at the stockyards in January found
the cow had a twisted stomach, was down and could not get up and was in
Stocco new pr head for Grand River Conservation Authority
Lisa Stocco has been hired as communications manager for the
Grand River Conservation Authority, taking over from Dave Schultz who has held
the post since 2008.
Stocco has 15 years experience in communications, most
recently with the Halton Catholic District School Board.
Schultz has been one of the best communications managers I have dealt with over a 50-year career.
Monday, July 27, 2015
French farmers blockade borders
French farmers have blockaded borders with Germany and Spain because they believe imports are lowering their prices and profits.
And they have the backing of French President Francois
Hollande who is calling for a high-level meeting with European nations.
“Between now and then, we will continue to pressure, so
that the farmers are certain, protests or not, that we are at their side,” he
The farmers at the German border were looking for trucks
carrying meat and were keeping them from crossing the border.
German Agriculture Ministry spokesman Jens Urban declined
to comment on the protest but said he didn’t think it was leading to a total
stoppage of German agricultural exports to France.
The farmers also blocked the Spanish and German border
highways on Sunday as part of an ongoing protest against low prices caused by
cheap imports and pressure from grocery chains that have put about 10 per cent
of livestock farms on the verge of bankruptcy, according to the government.
“French agriculture is suffocating and no one realizes it
and no one says anything,” Franck Sander, president of the main farmers’
federation in the Bas-Rhin region, told France-Info radio.
The French government last week offered a 600-million euro
($654 million) agricultural plan to back loans and delay tax payments for
farmers, who say that is not enough.
France cannot give direct financial aid
under EU rules.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Lobb chosen for Hall of Fame
Dr. David Allen Lobb of Winnipeg will be inducted into the
Canadian Conservation Hall of Fame in December.
He grew up on a family farm in Huron County, worked in
Ontario, the Maritimes and Manitoba and spent his life researching the role of
tillage in erosion.
At the University of Manitoba, he created the only lab in
the world capable of measuring soil translocation by tillage and tillage
The Soil Conservation Council of Canada says Dr. Lobb has
also raised the profile of soil for a new generation of students.
Zero hunger possible
The head of the Food and Agriculture
Organization says this generation could eliminate hunger.
“We know what it takes,” says director-general José Graziano Da Silva.

“The world has declared: ‘Our goal is to end
poverty and hunger,’” he told world leaders and other attendees of the United
Nations Third International Conference on Financing for Development.
About 70 per cent of poverty occurs outside of
urban areas, which typically fall through the nets created by traditional
social security systems. Because of that, rural development should be a pillar
of any successful hunger initiative.
The UN says another $267 billion annually would
need to be invested in both rural and urban efforts for poor people across the
world to gain appropriate access to food and means to improve their
That’s the equivalent of about $160 for each person
who lives in extreme poverty – a fraction of the burden that malnutrition
places on economies all over the world, de Silva says.
In other words, investing to eliminate poverty
would actually profit, rather than cost, the global economy.
According to a recent report by the FAO, the World
Food Programme and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, cash
transfers would allow poor families access to more diverse and healthier diets.
Private investment alone cannot break entrenched
cycles of rural poverty.
Also, agriculture in these areas could prove much
more efficient and effective if public sector investments could bolster rural
infrastructure, health and education in these areas.
The report also suggests the potential for a
snowball effect.
In other words, investments to abolish extreme
hunger will ramp up productivity and earnings, allowing people in poverty to
set about breaking those cycles.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Feds grant $93 million for genome research
Genome Canada will get more than $30 million for its
participation in the projects. The Western Grain Research Fund is putting in $5
The balance comes from others, such as provincial
governments, non-profit organizations and companies.
The 11
projects, which will each receive between $5 million and about $10
million, were selected for funding under Genome Canada’s 2014 Large-Scale
Applied Research Project Competition “Genomics and Feeding the Future.”
The research will use genomics to address issues
ranging from disease resilience in pigs to methane emissions in dairy to
genetic selection in wheat.
“We are working to develop genomic tools and tests to
improve our ability to select for desired characteristics such as yield,
disease and pest resistance, and heat and drought stress resilience.
The end result will be more productive, profitable and
environmentally-sustainable wheat varieties for farmers,” said Curtis Poziak,
plant scientist at the University of Saskatchewan.
Pozniak is involved in a $8.5 million project focused on
understanding the wheat genome and using genetic markers and predictive genetic
tests to improve selection efficiency in Canadian wheat breeding programs.
Details about these 11 projects can be found on the Genome
Canada website):
Canadian Triticum Applied Genomics
(CTAG2 )
Project leaders: Curtis Pozniak, University of
Saskatchewan; Andrew Sharpe, National Research Council Canada
Lead Genome
Centre: Genome Prairie
Total funding: $8.5 million
Application of genomics to innovation
in the lentil economy (AGILE)
Project leaders: Kirstin Bett and Albert Vandenberg,
University of Saskatchewan
Lead Genome Centre: Genome Prairie
Total funding:
$7.9 million (includes funding from Western Grains Research Foundation)
Sustaining and securing Canada’s
honey bees using ‘omic tools
Project leaders: Leonard Foster, University of British
Columbia; Amro Zayed, York University
Led Genome Centre: Genome British
Total funding: $7.2 million
Genomics of abiotic stress resistance
in wild and cultivated sunflowers
Project leaders: Loren H. Rieseberg, University of British
Columbia; John M. Burke, University of Georgia
Lead Genome Centre: Genome
British Columbia
Total funding: $7.9 million
Application of genomics to improve
disease resilience and sustainability in pork production
Project leaders: Michael Dyck, University of Alberta; John
Harding, University of Saskatchewan; Bob Kemp, PigGen Canada Inc.
Lead Genome
Centres: Genome Alberta, Genome Prairie
Total funding: $9.8 million
Increasing feed efficiency and
reducing methane emissions through genomics: A new promising goal for the
Canadian dairy industry
Project leaders: Filippo Miglior, University of Guelph;
Paul Stothard, University of Alberta
Lead Genome Centres: Genome Alberta,
Ontario Genomics Institute
Total funding: $10.3 million
SoyaGen: Improving yield and disease
resistance in short-season soybean
Project leaders: François Belzile, Université Laval;
Richard Bélanger, Université Laval
Lead Genome Centre: Genome Québec
funding: $8.3 million
Reverse vaccinology approach for the
prevention of mycobacterial disease in cattle
Project leaders: Andrew
Potter, VIDO-InterVac, University of Saskatchewan; Robert Hancock, University
of British Columbia
Lead Genome Centres: Genome Prairie, Genome British
Total funding: $7.4 million
A Syst-OMICS approach to ensuring
food safety and reducing the economic burden of salmonellosis
Project Leaders: Lawrence Goodridge, McGill University;
Roger C. Levesque, Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (IBIS), Université
Lead Genome Centre: Génome Québec
Total Funding: $9.8 million
Enhancing production in Coho:
Culture, Community, Catch (EPIC4)
Project leaders: William S. Davidson, Simon Fraser
University; Louis Bernatchez, Université Laval
Lead Genome Centres:
Genome British Columbia, Génome Québec
Total funding: $9.9 million
Towards a Sustainable Fishery for
Project leaders: Virginia K. Walker, Queen’s University;
Stephen C. Lougheed, Queen’s University; Peter Van Coeverden de Groot, Queen’s
University; Stephan Schott, Carleton University
Lead Genome Centre: Ontario
Genomics Institute
Total funding: $5.6 million
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