Friday, December 11, 2015

American farmers buying more antibiotics

Defying a government request to cut back on the use of antibiotics, American farmers actually bought more last year, according to sales figures collected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

There have been calls for legislation to restrict farm use of antibiotics by consumer and health advocates who say farmer education and calls for voluntary reductions are not working.

Their concern is that using antibiotics, especially at relatively low doses to promote faster growth rates and better feed conversion, create a climate in which bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotic being used can explosively multiply.

That’s because they lose competition from bacteria that succumb to the antibiotics and have their animal homes all to themselves.

From 2009 through 2014, domestic sales and distribution of medically-important antimicrobials approved for use in food-producing animals increased by 23 percent, the report said.

Last year’s increase was three per cent.

Canadian regulators have so far done nothing, apparently waiting to see what the United States will do so Canadian farmers can remain competitive.  

It is, you see, all about profits, not human health and welfare.