Chris Crump has won the B. W. Kennedy Memorial Award from
the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement.
He runs hog quality tests for Quality Swine and the Ontario
Swine Improvement Association, has worked with the University of Guelph’s swine
research program and has trained other technicians.
He runs a crop cash and beef farm in Middlesex County and offers
soil testing services.
He has been a volunteer with 4-H programs and has judged at
county shows and the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.
Jacques Poulin and CĂ©line Bolduc were awarded the Swine
Merit Award.
They own a purebred swine breeding operation, Ferme Porcine
de Beauce, located south of
Quebec City.
They began it almost from scratch when Poulin’s father gave
them a small
piece of land in 1975.
The purebred breeding operation began in the mid-80s and is
now a herd of 400
purebred sows (Landrace, Yorkshire and Duroc). It ranks as
one of the best herds under performance testing by the provincial association.