Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Locusts threaten India

Locusts are threatening to swarm India with the worst plague in 25 years.

They have already devoured crops in the western part of the country and are on the move to the central region.

Pesticides won’t work because the swarms are so large that it would take thousands of litres, officials said.

A swarm can destroy enough food to feed 35,000 people,” said a report from India. 

The country needs a plan to address the threat lest a wave of locusts results in more food insecurity and leave more people at risk of starvation; 194 million in India are already undernourished. 

There are additional concerns over the impact on livelihoods and the damage to the national agricultural economy, said a report from Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) which has support from the United Nations, the United Kingdom and the United States.