Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Americans seek another COOL court hearing

The American Meat Institute has filed for another court hearing over its application to block implementation of Country-of-Origin Labeling (COOL) regulations.

The meat industry, backed by Canadians and Mexicans, lost the original application and appeals, but now they want the courts to start over.

Their court application comes after the World Trade Organization ruled that the COOL regulations now in effect violate U.S. trade commitments.

The American government still has an opportunity to appeal that decision and, should it lose, to argue over the trade sanctions Canada and Mexico could impose if the regulations are not amended or removed so there is no longer discrimination against hogs and cattle, beef and pork from Canada and Mexico.

The American Meat Institute (AMI) has taken the lead for a list of plaintiffs that includes the Canadian Pork Council and the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA).