Saturday, September 29, 2018

Meat Council calls for fewer regulations

The Canadian Meat Council (CMC) said it is pleased with the Agri-Food Economic Strategy Table’s recent report and recommendations for modernizing Canada’s regulatory approach.

The aim is to foster competitiveness, growth and innovation which the report deems to be key pillars in reaching the government’s ambitious objectives for growing the agri-food sector.

“The current regulatory system restricts our industry’s ability to innovate and compete. These recommendations will help pave the way for Canada to become more competitive on a global scale”, said Chris White,president of the meat council.
“By including innovation, growth and competitiveness as key considerations, regulations will be more flexible and allow the industry to adapt easier to change”.

"By focusing on strategic improvements for making regulations nimbler, allowing industry more input, and working towards a partnership approach between industry and the whole of government, this will move the sector closer towards those ambitious goals,” the council said in a news release.. 

“The acknowledgement by the government of the challenges we face, due to our regulatory burden, is a critical first step” said White. “CMC will keep working with government partners to improve the system and grow the sector.

Addressing specific challenges which will have a large impact on the food industry, such as working together to find other solutions that achieve the same outcomes for healthy eating strategies, is an important recommendation and something that industry expertise and experience can support immediately, the council news release said.