Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Now it’s crickets

I’ve seen bubbles with chinchillas, pigeons and research with red Holsteins,

But never in my wildest dreams would I expect London to become home to the world’s largest cricket processing plant.

Nor did I, as a taxpayer, expect to be investing $10 million in construction of the plant.

On the other hand, what could go wrong?

This is a venture backed by a researcher from McGill University.

It’s put forward by Aspire Food Group of Texas which says it will hire 60 people to start in the building of 100,000 square feet.

I guess it would not surprise me if next we will learn about “opportunities” to invest in rearing crickets to be processed at the plant. Or maybe offers to starving students to go out and catch crickets? Should be easy to simply follow their chirps, eh?

I can hear you chastising me for being such a skeptic and critic. This could be a perfectly legitimate business venture.

I guess we can all wait and see.