Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Quebec hogs displacing Ontario’s


About 20,000 hogs per week are moving from Quebec to Ontario packing plants, Jim Long of Genesus said in a report on the Ontario Pork Congress in Stratford.

Long said the Quebec hogs are displacing Ontario hogs which have to travel to the United States for slaughter.

Ontario has only two big hog slaughter plants left after Quality Packers closed its plant in Toronto. Sofina in Burlington and Conestoga Packers in Breslau each slaughter about 45,000 hogs per week.

Conestoga has plans to expand, but that’s not happening immediately,

Ontario hog production exceeds slaughter capacity, even without the provincially-subsidized hogs from Quebec.

Olymel, the dominant hog packer in Quebec, closed a number of plants when it was losing up ro $100 million a year. When those plants were running at capacity, they bought hogs from Ontario.

If Quebec were a nation, there could be a countervailing duty on their hogs to offset the provincial subsidies and prices that don't cover the cost of production.

Gambling pays off for two researchers


Two livestock researchers – Dr. Atahurul Chowdhury and Dr. Sam Warkenhe, have been awarded $110,000 from a group of organizations led by the Grand River Agricultural Society which garners its revenues from the Elora casino and horse racing track.

Chowdhury is researching generative AI (artificial intelligence) to move research results from labs to practical applications.

Chowdhury will present the outcomes of his livestock research information in videos, plain language summaries, blogs and other forms of social communication.

Dr. Workenhe will continue genomic research that was supported by the same Early Career Research Award in 2022.

The Livestock Research Innovation Corporation is a partner in the awards program.

The Early Career Research Awards program is also supported by The Western Fair Association at London, Ontario Agricultural College and Ontario Veterinary College.

Food inflation returns


After 12 months of declines, food prices went up by 1.5 per cent from a year earlier in May, reports Statistics Canada. That’s slightly higher than 1.4 per cent in April.

And compared with May, 2029, food prices were up by 22.5 per cent.

But the main reasons for a 2.6 per cent rate of inflation in May was higher transportation and housing costs.

Airlines are jammed and have increased fares by 4.5 per cent and tour operations are charging 6.9 per cent more.

Rents rose by 8.9 per cent.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Beef farmers plead for end to Cargill strike


Beef farmer leaders from across Canada are urging union and company negotiators to get to the bargaining table to end a strike at the Cargill-owned plant at Guelph.

To date, there has been no indication of upcoming talks or negotiations that would see an end to the strike that began on May 27, the leaders of three organizations said in a news release. 

“The challenges that come with the loss of eastern Canada’s largest beef processor cannot be understated,” said Craig McLaughlin, president of Beef Farmers of Ontario.

The plant usually slaughters 75 per cent of Ontario’s cattle. Since the strike began, they have kept independent, but small beef slaughter plants operating at capacity, many cattle leaving th4e province or being kept on farm gaining extra weight.

“With each passing day, the consequences of the Cargill Dunlop labour strike continue to mount for our feedlot sector, beef supply chain partners, and our farmers’ ability to cash flow their operations..” McLaughlin said.

“BFO urges both sides to work toward an immediate resolution of this dispute.” 

Will Lowe, chairman of the National Cattle Feeders Association, also urged an end to the strike.

Also joining in the call for an end to the strike is the Canadian Cattle Association.

Lambton names Hall of Fame choices

The Lambton Agriculture Hall of Fame has chosen Jim Duffy, Jim Goodhand and the Bryans family to honour this year.

Duffy moved from Alvinston to Lambton County after completing 20 4-H projects and serving in president of Brooke Township Junior Farmers.

 He served as president of the Lambton County Federation of Agriculture and chairman of Lambton Soil and Crop Association and the director of Lambton soybean and wheat commodity boards.

Goodhand rose through the ranks of the Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board to become chairman for three years and Ontario’s representative on the Canadian Pork Council for three years.

The Bryans family of Munro Honey provides pollination services for many farmers and provided bee equipment and supplies and queen bees and nucleus colony starter kits to others.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Too wet to plant

Some fields in the Sarnia area have been too wet to plant.

Others in Lanbton, Huron and Perth were too wet to plant corn, but soybeans went in.

And then there's this field on Line 27, Perth County, about four km. west of Harmony that when I drove by on Friday had only the peaks of short corn peeking out.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Warming Climate Favours E. Cdn farmers

A new report from the Canadian Agriculture Policy Institute says farmers in Eastern Canada are benefitting from warmer and moister weather and increased carbon leading to higher yields.

But there is little change across the Prairies.

It says the government has put too much effort into reducing greenhouses gases and not enough into adaptation, such as crop varieties better suited to the warmth and controls of insects and diseases that increase under the warmer and wetter weather.

The warmth is also expanding the crop-growing area nortth and paves the way for new crops that need the additional warmth and moisture.

Climate change is hitting farmers hard in other parts of the world, meaning they will be wanting more food from Canada.

For Canada, surely climate change mitigation is less important than adaptation to climate

change- given the magnitude of observed and expected changes, and because food is a

fundamental, imminent, need that is highly sensitive to climatic conditions, and that is scarce in

the world, says the report prepared under the leadership of Al Mussell.

Consumption of other types of products in the economy- non-food goods and

services- can be traded off far more easily in reducing greenhouse grass emissions than can food, the report said.

Imagining a world in which the climate evolved to be less hospitable to farming, and in which were unprepared for it, presents an acute crisis and a troubling prospect, the report said.

“Opportunities for mitigation in agriculture should be focused where there is overlap with adaptation strategies and search for synergies, rather than leading with policies focused on mitigation at the exclusion of adaptation,” it said.

Storing feed poses few hog disease risks

There is little risk of disease spreading to hogs from stored feeds, says Doug MacDougald of South West Ontario Veterinary Services.

He has posted the results of a study in the United States on SwineWeb. It found no Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus, Porcine Deltacoronavius, Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome virus in feeds that were inoculated with those viruses and stored for 58 days.

There was some loss of viability of some vitamins.

MacDougald wrote that “prevention of contamination is obviously important, but it can be a daunting task because there are many critical control points. 

“Another approach to feed biosecurity involves the deactivation of pathogens in feed through the use of heat, feed additives, or even irradiation. 

“Techniques such as irradiation can have a negative effect on feed ingredients such as enzymes or vitamins.

“Another approach is to extend storage times of feed and feed ingredients.”

But he cautions that “the use of extended feed storage times can increase the potential for unintended consequences such as reduced palatability, degradation of nutrients, increases in mycotoxins, or increased microbial contamination.”

Chicken board open to newcomers


Applications are now open for the CFO New Entrant Chicken Farmer Program, which offers some quota and a number of supports.

The deadline to apply is by 5:00 PM on November 1. 

“The Ontario chicken industry is strong, vibrant, and is continuing to grow,” said board chairman Murray Opsteen.

 “CFO is thrilled to provide a variety of opportunities for farm families looking to enter Ontario’s chicken industry, including through the CFO New Entrant Chicken Farmer Program.” 

Four to be added to Hall of Fame

 Four names will be added to the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair Nov. 2.


They are Bruce Coulman, Michael Eskin, Paul Larmer and Dr. Charles Vincent.


Bruce Coulman developed 24 novel forage crop varieties.  

For more than 40 years he worked as a researcher at McGill University and then at Agriculture Canada’s Saskatoon Research Centre.  

Many of his forage varieties were industry firsts, including bloat-reduced alfalfa, hybrid bromegrass and smooth-awned forage barley.  

Coulman lives in Saskatoon and was nominated by the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan.

Michael Eskin is a canola researcher at the University of Manitoba where his work helped transform the quality and stability of canola oil, expanding the market for the crop on an international scale.  

He also played a role in establishing canola oil as heart-safe for people. Eskin lives in Winnipeg and was nominated by the University of Manitoba. 

Paul Larmer made his mark in the artificial insemination industry.

He began as a dairy cattle sire analyst and rose to be head of the Semex Alliance for 17 years. He took it from a Canadian company to a leading global supplier of top-quality dairy genetics.

He lives in Guelph and was nominated by Semex. 

Dr. Charles Vincent is an internationally respected leader in agricultural entomology.  

As a research scientist with Agriculture Canada and science communicator, Vincent has spent 40 years studying insects’ economic impact on Canadian food production, guided by a vision for developing sustainable agricultural systems that are commercially viable with the lowest environmental impact possible.  





University of Guelph students angry

About 1,300 students on a waiting list for housing are angry that the University of Guelph misled them into believing the university would be providing housing.

And the total number of angry students is greater than the 1,300 who have registered because some have been told there is no hope of getting housing if they get added now to the list.

And off-campus housing is difficult to find, the students and parents are saying.

The crunch has arisen because the university has increased acceptances from applicants to garner more income to fund its operations.

But I think the real blame rests with Doug Ford and his government policy to reduce, then freeze tuition fees and for failing to provide adequate funding for universities and colleges. They are left scrambling to make ends meet and it's Canadian students who are suffering the most.


First-year student Morgan Woodill told CBC news that students and parents were told on university tours and via studies released by the school that housing all incoming first-year students wouldn't be an issue.

"Getting that 'we are confident we can provide housing for all students' — that was very exciting for me.

"Now I'm not sure what to do exactly."

According to the Ontario Universities' Application Centre, the University of Guelph has 7,849 confirmed offers of acceptance from students, a 52.6 per cent increase over 2023.

In anticipation of the higher enrolment, the school increased the number of residence spaces at the North, South, East and West on-campus residences, and leased out a former hotel for additional space, the university said.

It also said it would actively pursue community partnerships to house the remaining students.

A March 11 study on the university's website said it would "continue to consistently accommodate all first-year student requests while also expanding offers for international students to live in residence for the duration of their academic programs." 

But now it told CBC news in Kitchener that it is getting more students than anticipated when that study was posted.

Guelph has a 1.3 per cent rental vacancy rate, one of the lowest rates in an Ontario university town, according to the most recent Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) report. 

Janice Jurus is helping her daughter Paige in her apartment hunt but hasn't had any luck.

"I've contacted Solstice, which is an outside group of rentals — they're full. There's Alma, which is also another facility that's specific for students — that's full," she said. "So now we're looking at just different options."

Paige said living off campus would be scary and potentially unsafe. But she said her biggest concern would be "missing out on the residential experience for my first year."

"I feel like that's where I can make most of my friends. Pretty upsetting."

Fire destroys Simcoe garden centre


A fire has destroyed the Ryerse Garden Gallery in Simcoe.

The Ontario Provincial Police detachment in Norfolk had to shut down the street between 14th Street East and Davis Street to allow firefighters to battle the fire Thursday morning.

No injuries have been reported and a damage estimate has not yet been released.

The cause of the fire is currently unknown.

Sticker price shock report for beef

Higher prices have not completely turned consumers toward proteins other than beef, according to research from the Cattlemen’s Beef Board (CBB) and its national Beef Checkoff program in the United States.

Consumers are more focused on value, a decline in consumer sentiment and a decreased ability to save, according to an opinion piece by CBB member Jeri Hanson published in Drovers Farm Journal

Hanson said summer barbecue season accounts for 30 per cent of beef sales and they are more likely to purchase cheaper cuts, use more coupons and seek out deals, but 96 per cent still plan to grill this summer.

The Beef Checkoff survey also found that some form of online grocery shopping continues to play a role for 57 per cent of survey respondents, prompting the Beef Checkoff to launch e-commerce partnerships with national grocery chains. 

These relationships are allowing the organization’s marketing team to track consumer activity from the sighting of an ad for beef to a subsequent beef purchase, which offers a direct return on investment, Hanson wrote.

Animal welfare a stock exchange issue

 The way JBS companies, including Pilgrim’s Pride chicken, treat animals has become an issue taken to the United States Security Exchange Commission which regulates stock markets.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is using an application by JBS to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange to gain publicity for its organization.

It says the company misleads investors with its claims about animal welfare and the environment.

“Our complaint alleges that JBS and Pilgrim’s Pride appear to repeatedly mislead investors by making false and misleading animal welfare and climate claims in their sustainability reports and on websites, and that they have not disclosed necessary information in their SEC filings,” HSUS said. 


HSUS contends that the animals are kept in “extreme confinement,” have a “litany” of violations of slaughter-related laws, and other inhumane actions.

“In 2018, we asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate Pilgrim’s Pride for misleading claims in its marketing and advertising about its chickens, and the company subsequently altered some of those claims,” HSUS said.

HSUS filed its complaint in conjunction with the Center for Biological Diversity, and in partnership with the Farmed Animal Advocacy Clinic at Vermont Law and Graduate School.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Organic corn and wheat mapped


A report mapping the organic corn and wheat supply chains in Ontario was launched today by the Organic Council of Ontario (OCO) in partnership with the Organic Grain Hub. 

“This is the first report of its kind” said Carolyn Young, OCO’s executive director. 

“Without deep investigation like this, the organic sector lacks real

data that we need to help the sector thrive.”   

The report found a lack of diversified supply chains specifically for organics so they may be vulnerable to shifts in the marketplace. 

“Most of the organic wheat grown in Ontario is for
domestic use,” said Rob Wallbridge OCO board member and agronomy sales lead at SureSource Commodities, one of the industry experts consulted for the report. 

“But with bakeries and millers struggling, some high
quality organic wheat is going to animal feed or to Quebec. About
one-third of organic corn is exported to feed mills in New York and

“If the U.S. becomes self-sufficient in organic grains, finds
cheaper imports, or U.S. organic meat consumption drops, Canadian suppliers will have limited options going forward.” Wallbridge said.

The sector is small - $38.5 million worth of corn and
$13.8 million of wheat, based on farm-gate prices.

Shoppers are buying organic grains online and milling them at home. 

Farmer-to-baker connections are also helping farmers to increase their income streams by diversifying organic wheat production from soft to hard wheat and by growing heritagewheats to fill growing niche markets.  

“This report shows us that organic wheat and corn value chains are surprisingly simple. Yet while this simplicity makes them vulnerable to market disruptions, it also means there are significant gains to be made through market and product diversification,” said Young.  

The report is one of three funded in part by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness’s Supply Chain Stability and Adaptability program administered by the Agriculture Adaptation Council.

The Ontario Organic Council represents more than 1,300 certified organic operations as well as the businesses, organizations and individuals that deliver organic foods to consumers.

Ag excellence awards nominations open


The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness has opened nominations for its Excellence in Agriculture Awards program.

The deadline is July 24.

The awards categories are for primary producer, processor, agriculture and food organization, educational institution, agriculture and food innovator and for Indigenous, Metis or Inuit-owned business or community.

Winners receive a plaque and bragging rights.

Application forms and protocols are available at excellenceinagriculture@ontario.ca.

Farmers Edge investors launch lawsuit

Wilson Leung of Vancouver and Philippe Golin of Ottawa are leading a class-action lawsuit against Farmers Edge, claiming the company misled them and other investors.

The lawsuit filed in the British Columbia Supreme Court said the company was in deep debt when it tried to raise money from investors.

Farmers Edge is a digital company that offers farm services such as variable rate nutrition management and data management and analytics.

The lawsuit names chief executive officer, Wade Barnes, who founded the business, and founder and former CEO Wade Barnes and chief financial officer David Patrick plusFairfax Financial Holdings and several financial underwriters.

It seeks a total of $270 in restitutions and damages..

The statement of claim said the company owed a large debenture debt to Fairfax which was also its major shareholder.


The claim said Farmers Edgea was unable to secure additional capital at the time it launched its initial public offering in March 2021.

Wet farms can still buy corn insurance

Agricorp has extended the corn planting deadline to qualify for crop insurance by three days to June 18 for farmers in Lambton, Middlesex, Niagara, Chatham-Kent, Essex, and Elgin.

Many fields in those municipalities have been too wet to plant.

The relief is particularly important for dairy and beef farmers who use corn as silage.

Many cash crop farmers have switched plans from corn to soybeans.

Agricorp said it extended the deadline after consulting farm leaders. The actual decision rests with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

European pork industry on edge

Europe's pork industry faces a "nightmare scenario" of lower prices and falling profitability if China restricts imports from the region, industry executives and analysts said Friday.

Reuters news agency reports that Chinese firms have asked for an anti-dumping probe into pork imports from the European Union.

The risk comes after Europe imposed anti-subsidy duties on Chinese-made electric vehicles.

China imported $6 billion worth of pork, including offal, in 2023 and more than half came from Europe.

"The full suspension of EU pork exports to China would be a potential nightmare scenario for the pork supply chain, with implications across the EU," said Justin Sherrard, global strategist for animal protein for Rabobank.

China buys ears, noses and feet, for which there is little demand from European customers. 

"It would take time, but may be possible for EU exporters to find alternative markets for the pork muscle meat cuts that are currently shipped to China," Sherrard said.

"However, I doubt alternative markets could be found for EU pork 'variety meat' exports that are currently shipped to China.

Spain is the largest exporter of pork to China globally, selling about $1.5 billion of product every year.

China has been able to ramp up its own pork production following a disastrous outbreak of African Swine Fever in 2018 and recently there has been a surplus of pork in the country.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Founders of Finest Sausages have died

Guenter and Ute Lotzmann of Kitchener, founders of Finest Sausages & Meats, have died while on vacation in Germany.

They opened their business 23 years ago and developed a large and loyal customer base.

They are survived by Marika (Svem), Tania (Shannon) and five grandchildren.

A memorial will be at the Concordia Club in Kitchener on Sunday, June 23, from 1 to 3 p.m.

Bird flu spreads among Iowa cattle


There are now cattle in four herds in north-west Iowa that have had cases of highly-infectious avian influenza.

The increase from one to four cases in a matter of less than a week has prompted officials in not only Iowa but also neighbouring states to urge heightened biosecurity at poultry and cattle facilities.

CFIA to cover HPAI lab costs for cattle


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency announced today that “until further notice, it will cover the fees for laboratory testing at any CAHSN laboratory that is approved to test samples in domestic animals. CFIA does not pay for associated veterinary fees for sample collection or shipment to the lab.”

It also announced that “all non-clinical dairy cattle will now be eligible for testing. 

A milk sample is required for lactating dairy cattle and a nasal swab is required for non-lactating dairy cattle.

“For suspect case submissions, the private veterinarian is required to report negative test results back to the district office upon receipt.”

No Canadian cattle have been detected with highly-pathogenic avian influnza.

Saputo plans to close six U.S. plants


Saputo Inc. is going to close six plants in the United States and shake up its cheese network.

It will be closing facilities in Lancaster and Green Bay, Wis., in Tulare and South Gate, Calif. Saputo said its plants in Big Stone, South Dakota and Belmont, Wis. have already been closed.

It plans to expand its automated cut-and-wrap facility in Franklin, Wis.

Saputo’s financial report said its U.S. sector priorities include strengthening its innovation pipeline, developing new products, continuing to grow brands and expanding volume “with key customers.”

It also said it experienced a “negative $61 million impact . . . and $15 million of duplicate operational costs” in its U.S. operations.

Its revenues dipped marginally to $17.3 billion in the fiscal year that ended in March and recorded $654 million in profits compared with $755 million the previous year.

It has 18 facilities in Canada and 29 in the U.S.

JBS adding to Alberta beef plant


JBS U.S.A., part of the world’s largest meat-packing company, is building an $80-million distribution centre at Brooks, Alta., where it operates Canada’s second-largest beef-packing plant.

Cargill has the largest, also in Alberta, and the third-largest which is at Guelph and has been idled by a three-week strike.

The project will increase shipping capacity by up to 40% per cent, will reduce storage costs, minimize errors and improve worker safety, JBS said.

Friday, June 14, 2024

PED hits Oxford County nursery


There has been an outbreak of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus at a nursery in Oxford County.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

U.S. food priices

This week’s government inflation data shows negligible changes in supermarket checkout prices in recent months, while food prices at the wholesale level fell in May for the second straight month.

But that's the U.S., not Canada's supermarket oligopoly.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Calgary man claims his cancer caused by Roundup

A Calgary man who lived on a farm at Carman, Man., has filed a lawsuit saying chemicals he was exposed to resulted in a cancer diagnosis.

Roundup which has glyphosate as its active plant killer is included in the claim filed against Bayer, Monsanto, Corteva and ABC Corp.

The plaintiffs in the case are Kevin Giesbrecht and his common-law spouse, Jennifer McAlpine, who now live in Calgary. According to court documents, Giesbrecht lived on the family farm in Carman from 2002 to 2012 and visited the farm frequently in subsequent years.

Between 2008 and 2022, Giesbrecht’s father had leased a portion of his land for field trials, first to Corteva Agriscience Canada (doing business under Hyland Seeds) in 2008, then to Monsanto (now Bayer) in 2013 and 2020 for field trials.

In December 2023, Giesbrecht was diagnosed with chronic stage 4 follicular non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

The statement of claim argues that Giesbrecht, who lived within 100 metres of the leased fields, was exposed to chemicals, most notably glyphosate, while on the farm, which ultimately led to his cancer diagnosis.

The statement of claim says that Giesbrecht wasn’t properly informed of the risks of being exposed to those chemicals and alleges that Monsanto was aware that glyphosate was a carcinogen but covered it up.

Soon after Bayer bought out Monsanto, the company paid $9.6 billion, without admission of liability, to settle outstanding glyphosate lawsuits in the United States.

Three farmers to join Kent Agriculture Hall of Fame


Stephen Denys of the former Chatham Township, the late Harry Lawson of the former Township of Zone, and the late Keith McLean of Morpeth, Ontario are this years inductees to the Kent Agricultural Hall of Fame.

Denys has been passionate about in crop production, protection, marketing and seed development for more than 50 years.

Lawson worked to change by-laws and regulations to benefit the agricultural community including working towards fair settlements for gas and hydro corridors across agricultural land to avoid.

McLean was an active learner of sustainable farming techniques. He stressed the importance of balancing agricultural land and natural cover and emphasized using windbreaks and cover crops to reduce wind erosion.

The event honouring the three men will take place Tuesday, November 19 at the Hidden Hills Golf and Country Club in Oungah. 

Rabid bat alert issued in Huron-Perth

The Huron Perth Public Health unit is urging people to take precautions to prevent exposure to bats after a Stratford resident was bitten by one that has rabies.

Residents are asked to call public health if there has been contact with a bat.

"If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, or if infectious material (such as saliva) from a bat gets into your eyes, nose, or a wound, wash the affected area thoroughly and seek immediate medical attention,” said Public Health Inspector Patrick Landry.

“If you awaken to find a bat in your room, a child’s room, or the room of another household member, call HPPH.”

Overall, one to three per cent of Ontario's bat population is infected with rabies, which is a viral disease that is fatal to humans.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency reports that there were five bats with rabies identified so far this year in Ontario.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Europe buying human vaccines vs. bird flu

European Union officials this week signed a contract to purchase more than 40 million doses of vaccine aimed at preventing spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) among people.

The contract begins with up to 665,000 doses of the vaccine manufactured by CSL Seqirus and has an option for an additional 40 million doses for a maximum of four years. 

People who work with poultry and veterinarians are considered at greatest risk, but there have been no cases in Europe and only three involving cattle in the United States.

CSL Seqirus is at Melbourne, Australia.

Unanimous strike vote vs. Cargill

Union workers at Cargill’s further processing plant in Calgary have voted unanimously to authorize a strike if an agreement is not negotiated.

Local 401 of the United Food and Commercial Workers Canada Union said the first time a strike vote in Alberta has been unanimous. The workers want pay increases, similar to union members in Guelph who have been on strike for three weeks at Cargill’s plant, the largest east of its plant a High River, Alta.

Ontario cattlemen have hardly any slaughter options closer than the United States and some are going as far at Alberta.

The next bargaining sessions in Alberta are June 20-21 and will be facilitated by a mediator. 

Local 401 has not said publicly what specific concessions it is seeking from Cargill and did not issue a potential strike date.

The union said despite ongoing negotiations ”there is a very real possibility that we will ultimately go on strike.”

Local 401 said it would be the “first affordability crisis strike, an action that could set a precedent for future fights for workers’ rights and fair contracts that address people’s needs at workplaces such as Safeway, Superstore, JBS, Olymel, and Cargill’s plant in High River.”

The union said it was considering “job action and protest options” at the High River plant.