Thursday, June 6, 2024

Tractors converge on Brussels


Hundreds of tractors gathered in front of the European Parliament in Brussels as politicians vie for election from June 6 to 9.

The farmers came from the Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Germany to protest against green policies that organisers said undermine the competitiveness of European farmers.

One issue is manure application limits to reduce nitrogen emissions into the environment because politicians blame manure for contributing to greenhouse warming.

The tractor park is the latest in a months-long wave of farmers’ protests across Europe to complain about low food-prices policies, regulations and free-trade deals.

The protest was organised by Dutch lobby group FarmeDefence Force and supported by right-wing and far-right polical groups, but not by any main-stream farm organizations.

With police counting around 500 tractors, it was smaller than previous farmers’ protests held in Brussels this year.