Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gambling pays off for two researchers


Two livestock researchers – Dr. Atahurul Chowdhury and Dr. Sam Warkenhe, have been awarded $110,000 from a group of organizations led by the Grand River Agricultural Society which garners its revenues from the Elora casino and horse racing track.

Chowdhury is researching generative AI (artificial intelligence) to move research results from labs to practical applications.

Chowdhury will present the outcomes of his livestock research information in videos, plain language summaries, blogs and other forms of social communication.

Dr. Workenhe will continue genomic research that was supported by the same Early Career Research Award in 2022.

The Livestock Research Innovation Corporation is a partner in the awards program.

The Early Career Research Awards program is also supported by The Western Fair Association at London, Ontario Agricultural College and Ontario Veterinary College.