Tuesday, September 10, 2024

German company buys Stratford dairy show


DLG (German Agricultural Society) has bought Underhill Enterprises Inc. which runs the Canadian Dairy XPO at Stratford every spring.

DLG said the Stratford show is the leading exhibition for the Canadian dairy industry, although the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair might contest that claim.

The German company is forming a new subsidiary, DLG North America, that will be based in Toronto.

The management team of Underhill Enterprises Inc. will

now work for DLG North America, including its founder, Jordon Underhill. 

The company said “a key aim . . . is to further knowledge among farmers primarily through international networking platforms like

Canadian Dairy XPO, an essential part of the acquisition.

It said it wants to “bridge the gap between North America and Europe and “will be adding not only its agricultural know-how and international networks but also its exhibition expertise, drawing on its 30 agricultural trade fairs worldwide, including EuroTier, the world’s leading trade fair for livestock technologies held in Germany.”