Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Inventor recycles hog manure into feed


Steve Bulbow, a physician and inventor, has patented a technology to convert hog manure into a feed for cattle, sheep and goats.

In an article published online by Swineweb, the claims the quality of beef and other livestock products that result from using this feed is remarkable.

“While it’s not exactly Kobe beef, it comes very close in terms of taste and texture, all while being much more sustainable,” he is quoted.

“The process benefits both, the environment and the bottom line for farmers,” he said.

It reminds me of the article I wrote for Maclean’s Magazine in 1965 about a beef farmer top-dressing corn silage with manure from his father’s nearby turkey farm.

It prompted an outcry by the late Ruth Jackson of Kitchener who at the time was president of the Consumers Association of Canada.

When I apologized to the farmer, he said not to worry because he switched to top-dressing with commercial urea and put the manure on his corn fields.

As for this Swineweb article, I am reminded that things that seem too good to be true often are.