Sunday, June 1, 2014

Cute chicks sicken customers

One hundred and twenty six people who thought they had bought cute little chicks also bought poisonous Salmonella bacteria – the Infantis and Newport strains.

She can kiss her chick; don't you!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tracked the outbreak over more than four months, leading them to Mt. Healthy Hatcheries in Ohio as “the likely source”.

Among the 126 were a 95-year-old and a one-year-old.

The first outbreak tracked by the Centers for Disease Control was Feb. 4; it was still investigating new cases on May 15.

There have been victims in 18 states from Colorado and Montana in the west to Maine in the East, from New York State in the North to Alabama and North Carolina in the South.

“Don’t kiss chicks!” writes Dr. Doug Powell who earned his doctorate in food safety communications.