Sunday, August 4, 2019

UG gets $1.8 million from province

The University of Guelph will use some of $1.8 million in provincial funding to research ways to attract wild bees to pollinate crops.

Other research it will undertake includes:determiningthe right tools farmers can use to track soil health and determining what to grow off-season in corn fields to enhance productivity.

It will also look into overcoming barriers that prevent some farmers from adopting best soil health practices.

The research will also look into ways to make farms more resilient to climate impact.

The university’s vice-president of research, Malcolm Campbell, said “Canada's food university . . . is committed to research that enhances the production of safe and healthy food while protecting the environment.

"With this government support, University of Guelph researchers will make world-class discoveries that help Ontario farmers nourish Canadians and preserve our natural environment."

One wishes that even half that blarney were true.