Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Initial wheat payments announced

Grain Farmers of Ontario has unveiled its initial payments and pool return outlook (PRO) for its six wheat pools.

It says these advance payments are estimated to be about 65 per cent of total value.

SWW (Pool A)           $135
HRW (Pool B)            $135
HRS (Pool C)             $150
SRW (Pool E)            $130
CER (Pool F)              $130
Feed (Pool G)            $115
“Grain Farmers of Ontario’s Wheat Pool has historically returned market average prices or greater, making it a good insurance option when combined with other marketing strategies,” said Todd Austin, wheat marketing manager for Grain Farmers of Ontario.

“By putting a percentage of wheat in the pool, farmers are able to move grain at harvest and take advantage of post-harvest markets.”

Grain Farmers of Ontario also offers pre-pool and post-pool contracts.

Pre-pool contracts offer an advance above the initial payment to bring the value closer to 70 per cent to the current cash price.

Pre-pool contracts have to be established with Grain Farmers of Ontario by August 31.
Post-pool contracts allow for delivery into the pool after September and into the spring.