Saturday, March 9, 2019

Smoked chicken wins innovation award

Grand River Foods and Maple Lodge Farms have won the first award for developing a new product – frozen smoked chicken.

Their proprietary process is the first-of-its-kind in North America, said the Chicken Farmers of Ontario marketing board in announcing the award.

R. Douglas Cunningham, chairman of the independent advisory committee that oversees CFO’s Ontario Chicken Innovation and Growth Program, said “their commitment to innovation is sure to put new chicken products on the plates of Canadian consumers for years to come.”

The CFO launched the award program, the first of its kind in Canada, last year. 

It is open to primary processors, further processors, retailers, foodservice and restaurant companies involved in the processing, marketing and sale of chicken products. 

Companies that are not primary processors must include a primary processor as part of their application. Innovations must use chicken grown and fully processed in Ontario.