Saturday, March 27, 2021

VIDO has PED vaccine

Researchers with the Veterinary Infectious Diseases Organization (VIDO) in Saskatoon are working with InterVac to prepare a vaccine against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea for market.

Trials that immunized sows have proved helpful in developing immunity for their piglets.

The trials involved delivering the vaccine in combination with semen and artificial insemination.

Dr. Heather Wilson, a research scientist with VIDO-InterVac, said that good vaccine response was developed in three and now it's just a matter of playing with the adjuvants to get an even better response.

We're really excited with the safety profiles for the intrauterine vaccines so far. 

Piglets are being born healthy, we don't seem to have any negative effect on fertility, the sizes seem to be comparable to piglets born to the control gilts, she said.