Thursday, February 16, 2023

CFIA tightens feed import regs

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is tightening regulations on the importation of feeds and feed additives.

The changes are designed to prevent African Swine Fever from entering Canada. An outbreak here would be devastating for hog producers and pork processors because they would lose at least half of their export markets, and perhaps all if importing nations refuse to accept that Canada can be divided into two zones with the division line between Ontario and Manitoba.

The CFIA has added a long list of countries from which feeds and feed ingredients are banned including Belgium, Bhutan, Cambodia, the Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, North Korea, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, North Macedonia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Thailand and Timor-Leste.

The CFIA is cautioning farmers to buy feed only from reputable suppliers and warning feed millers and retailers to be cautious about feeds and ingredients they import and it is their responsibility to be sure they are safe.