Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Oxford County nursery has PED

Provincial officials report that a nursery and a farrow-to-finish operation,  both in Oxford County, have been hit by Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus.

No further details are provided.

That brings the total to 73 cases in Ontario and five in January.

The Ontario Pork Industry Council is urging truckers to step up their biosecurity because it says trucking has been responsible for many of the eight outbreaks during December and January.

It said truckers ought to realize that they could be picking up PED virus when they deliver hogs to packing plants, when they visit assembly yards and that a PED-free pig can be shedding the virus within 18 to 24 hours of coming into contact with the disease.

The council says packing plants that slaughter barbecue pigs ought to be considered PED-infected.

It repeats cautions that truck-washing facilities in the United States are not safe; the washing and disinfecting ought to be done at an approved facility in Ontario.

The first case of PED in the province was diagnosed in January of last year.