Premium Brands
Holding Corp. of Vancouver is on a roll, posting a 26 per cent increase in
revenues for the fourth quarter and 21 per cent for the year.
Profits increased
from $11.4 to $11.6 million.
The company now
owns Piller’s Meats and Delicatessens Ltd. of Waterloo in addition to a long
list of specialty foods and brands.
The list includes
Grimm's, Harvest, McSweeney's, Bread Garden
Go, Hygaard, Hempler's, Isernio's, Quality Fast Foods, Direct Plus, Harlan
Fairbanks, Creekside Bakehouse, Stuyver's Bakestudio, Centennial Foodservice,
B&C Food Distributors, Shahir, Wescadia, Duso's, Maximum Seafood, Ocean
Miracle, SK Food Group, OvenPride, Hub City Fisheries, Audrey's, Deli Chef,
Piller's, Freybe and Expresco.