Wednesday, January 12, 2022

B.C. dairy farmers say “thanks!”

British Columbia’s dairy farmers have prepared a video which broadcasters are airing this month to say thanks for the help they were offered during flooding.

Individuals, agriculture companies and other farmers have donated more than $850,000 to the BC Dairy Flood Recovery Fund. Many others have donated help, food and supplies.

“As farmers, it’s not always in our nature to ask for help,” saidf Holger Schwichtenberg, chair of the BC Dairy Association and a dairy farmer at Agassiz in the Fraser Valley.

“But our community came through for us. They offered support in whatever ways they could, both in that critical moment and in the weeks since. 

“We are truly grateful for that support. From fellow dairy farmers to milk truck drivers, feed suppliers, to the Ministry of Agriculture and even complete strangers, everyone did what they could to help,” Schwichtenberg said.