Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rivers run red with pigs’ blood

Rain washed blood from sites where 47,000 pigs were buried in South Korea after they were culled and slaughtered to prevent the spread of African Swine Fever.
The blood has been suctioned from the river, government officials said after they responded to alarms raised by local residents.
Heavy rains washed the blood from the burial site close to the border with North Korea.
Local authorities said farmers need not worry because the carcasses were disinfected before they were buried. Yeah, right!

North Korea had its first African Swine Fever outbreaks in May and South Korea in September.

Cases have continued to emerge in both regions and the mass culling of around 380,000 pigs in the South has been the primary method for halting further spread of the disease.

The latest culling operation took place near the inter-Korean border over the weekend and saw the slaughter of 47,000 pigs. But with resources for biosecure disposal running low, thousands of pig carcasses remained in collection trucks before they could be buried.