Monday, June 10, 2024

CFIA issues $284,300 in fines


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency reports it has issued $284,400 in “administrative monetary penalties” – i.e. fines – in the first three months this year. 

There were 22 issued in Ontario totaling $164,700.

Twenty-nine of those were for violations of the Health of Animals Act for a total of $138,700 in Ontario. 

Nationally that category had 54 fines issued for a total of $204,800.

There were four fines in Ontario under the Plant Protection Act totaling $26,000 and six nationally for $46,000.

There were no fines for meat packers or food processors in the Eastern half of Canada, but eight in the West for $34,000.

No company or farmer names are released in the on-line report.