Thursday, June 20, 2024

Four to be added to Hall of Fame

 Four names will be added to the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the Royal Agriculture Winter Fair Nov. 2.


They are Bruce Coulman, Michael Eskin, Paul Larmer and Dr. Charles Vincent.


Bruce Coulman developed 24 novel forage crop varieties.  

For more than 40 years he worked as a researcher at McGill University and then at Agriculture Canada’s Saskatoon Research Centre.  

Many of his forage varieties were industry firsts, including bloat-reduced alfalfa, hybrid bromegrass and smooth-awned forage barley.  

Coulman lives in Saskatoon and was nominated by the Crop Development Centre at the University of Saskatchewan.

Michael Eskin is a canola researcher at the University of Manitoba where his work helped transform the quality and stability of canola oil, expanding the market for the crop on an international scale.  

He also played a role in establishing canola oil as heart-safe for people. Eskin lives in Winnipeg and was nominated by the University of Manitoba. 

Paul Larmer made his mark in the artificial insemination industry.

He began as a dairy cattle sire analyst and rose to be head of the Semex Alliance for 17 years. He took it from a Canadian company to a leading global supplier of top-quality dairy genetics.

He lives in Guelph and was nominated by Semex. 

Dr. Charles Vincent is an internationally respected leader in agricultural entomology.  

As a research scientist with Agriculture Canada and science communicator, Vincent has spent 40 years studying insects’ economic impact on Canadian food production, guided by a vision for developing sustainable agricultural systems that are commercially viable with the lowest environmental impact possible.  
