Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Three farmers to join Kent Agriculture Hall of Fame


Stephen Denys of the former Chatham Township, the late Harry Lawson of the former Township of Zone, and the late Keith McLean of Morpeth, Ontario are this years inductees to the Kent Agricultural Hall of Fame.

Denys has been passionate about in crop production, protection, marketing and seed development for more than 50 years.

Lawson worked to change by-laws and regulations to benefit the agricultural community including working towards fair settlements for gas and hydro corridors across agricultural land to avoid.

McLean was an active learner of sustainable farming techniques. He stressed the importance of balancing agricultural land and natural cover and emphasized using windbreaks and cover crops to reduce wind erosion.

The event honouring the three men will take place Tuesday, November 19 at the Hidden Hills Golf and Country Club in Oungah.