Monday, June 24, 2024

Lambton names Hall of Fame choices

The Lambton Agriculture Hall of Fame has chosen Jim Duffy, Jim Goodhand and the Bryans family to honour this year.

Duffy moved from Alvinston to Lambton County after completing 20 4-H projects and serving in president of Brooke Township Junior Farmers.

 He served as president of the Lambton County Federation of Agriculture and chairman of Lambton Soil and Crop Association and the director of Lambton soybean and wheat commodity boards.

Goodhand rose through the ranks of the Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board to become chairman for three years and Ontario’s representative on the Canadian Pork Council for three years.

The Bryans family of Munro Honey provides pollination services for many farmers and provided bee equipment and supplies and queen bees and nucleus colony starter kits to others.