Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Ten farm groups dislike tax changes

Ten farm organizations have written a joint letter to three ferderal cabinet ministers opposing tax changes announced in April.

They oppose the income tax on two-thirds, up from the previous 50 per cent, of capital gains, although the exemption was increased to $1.25 million.

Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAulay told the House of Commons Agriculture Committee that he had no advance notice of the changes.

The letter went to him, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Revenue Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau who was agriculture minister before MacAulay.

 The letter said farmers appreciated the proposal to increase the lifetime capital gains exemption to $1.25 million to reflect the appreciation of farmland values and capital demands.

The letter included a number of other comments about tax changes and asked for a delay to provide more time for consultations.

The 10 signatories are the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, the Canadian Canola Growers Association, the Canadian Cattle Association, Fruit and vegetable Growers of Canada, the National Cattle Feeders’ Association, the Canadian Ornamental Horticulture Alliance, Canadian Hatching Egg Producers, the Canadian Seed Growers’ Association, Grain Growers of Canada and the Canadian Sugar Beet Producers Association.