The board of directors’ request was for all correspondence
among the marketing board, the Ontario Farm Products Marketing Commission, the
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the association
representing vegetable-processing companies.
The board was obviously trying to figure out who was calling
the shots when the commission made a proposal to strip the board of its
price-negotiating powers.
That ended up happening, but in between Ontario Agriculture
Minister Jeff Leal intervened to call for a round of consultations.
Buchanan said in a brief interview that he cancelled the
request for the correspondence because the Freedom-of-Information office set a
high price.
He would not say now much, other than “in the thousands.”
Dave Epp, a former board director, said Buchanan told him
that pursuing the request for the correspondence “did not serve any purpose.”
It’s then up to the person, or entity, that filed the request to decide whether to proceed.