Thursday, January 31, 2019

Climate change brings current chill

Weather experts say climate change is responsible for this week’s bitter cold.

The area around the North pole Is warming faster than the rest of the globe, prompting the usual Polar Vortex to push further south and to splinter.

That, said Johanna Wagstaffe of the CBC, is why much of Canada and the United States is experiencing such cold weather this week.

She also said global warming and climate change will continue to occasionally push Polar Vortexes south in future years.

In the mid-Western United States the cold snap prompted Tyson to temporarily close six meat-packing plants, reports Meatingplace Magazine. Hormel also closed some plants.

Companies such as Smithfield Foods report reduced demand from restaurants because people are staying home.

Here in Ontario, all schools in Wellington and Dufferin counties were closed Wednesday and Thursday.