Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Prominent Liberals attack supply management


Two prominent people in the government of former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, have penned a piece for the Globe and Mail that calls for an end to supply management.

John Manley, finance minister, and Eddie Goldenberg, chief of staff for former Prime Minister Jean Chretien, said the aggressive lobbying by the marketing boards for dairy and poultry farmers has resulted in high prices for their products.

They wrote that “all three major political parties are unable to escape the tentacles of a lobby that represents 9,000 dairy farmers and keeps food prices higher than they need to be for 40 million Canadian consumers.”

They cited price increases in 2023 of 13 per cent for milk, more than 23.7 per cent for chicken, and 22 per cent for eggs.

“There is something that can be done that will reduce the prices Canadians pay for dairy and poultry products, including milk, butter, cheese, eggs and chicken. That something is the abolition of supply management,” they wrote.

Chretien’s government gave strong support to supply management. Why were Manley and Goldenberg so silent then?