Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Farmers’ pesticide reviews sought

FMC Corporation is setting up a website to publish farmers’ reviews of the pesticides they use.

“Where better to hear about the effectiveness of a herbicide or insecticide than from a fellow grower who is facing the same pest problems?” asked Krista Henry, marketing communications manager for FMC. 

“Adding reviews to our website shows our commitment to the customer and our willingness to try new and innovative things to help growers solve problems.”

One caution: the reviews can only apply for pesticide uses that comply with label restrictions. Comments on off-label uses will not be permitted because that violates federal Pest Management Regulatory Agency rules.

“We believe we are the first crop protection company in Canada to offer an online review platform for customers to report on their first-hand experience with an FMC product,” said Henry.

Personally, I think this is an idea that deserves broader coverage. 

There should be a place for farmer reviews of all products, especially since the federal government decided to allow the marketing of what are described by some as "foo-foo dust" products.

They used to have to show the products work as advertised, but that's no longer the case for things such as soil and feed additives that are deemed to be "natural" products. That has left farmers in a "buyer beware" wilderness of marketing claims.