Wednesday, November 15, 2023

A closed ahop

The supply management sector of agriculture is a closed shop.

Almost always those appointed to be in charge of the National Farm Products Council or the Canadian Dairy Commission are plucked from positions on provincial marketing boards or national supply-management agencies.

But nothing compares with British Columbia where the chairman of the provincial supervisory agency, Al Sakalauskas, was chairman of the B.C. Egg Marketing Board and now is returning to chairman of the egg board.

And the current egg board chair, Gunta Vitins, has been appointed the new chair of the B.C. Farm Industry Review Board. 

They just swapped places.

Who is the supervisor and the supervised?

And how can the public ever catch a break on eggs? Maybe just broken eggs in cartons that seem to find their way to retail markets without any concerns raised by the marketing board or its supervisors.

At least that's my experience reporting on egg quality in Ontario where the same two dominant egg-grading companies do business in B.C.