Saturday, September 19, 2020

Pigs don’t pass COVID-19

Pigs do not pass on COVID-19 according to research at Kansas State University designed to test similar results in Germany and China.

Dr. Jeurgen Richt wanted to learn if pigs react similar to cats which can be infected.

He infected nine pigs that were five to six weeks old - intranasally, orally and intratracheally – and at levels 10 times higher than previous studies to make it a strong challenge.

None of the pigs tested positive for COVID-19 at the end of the trial period.

His team was, however, able to infect pig cells cultured in the lab.

Richt remains cautious because the pigs in his study were relatively young and involved the current COVID-19.

He said results could be different for mature sows and boars and if COVID-19 mutates.